Welcome to Lux Industries
A Full Service Industrial Construction Firm
We serve the Petro-Chemical, Paper, Glassmaking, Foundry, Molten Metals, Pharmaceutical, and Heat Treating Industries
Our Company’s 40 plus year existence has provided engineered solutions for all types of Industrial Furnaces.
New designs and upgrades to existing equipment
Refractory Precast Shapes
For use in furnaces, ovens, kilns, and boilers
Engineering Service
For all types of combustion equipment
NFPA 86 Inspections
Safety inspections for ovens and furnaces
Refractory Repairs
Mechanical and structural boiler repairs
Refractory Design
We can make your vision a reality
Furnace Components
Steel and alloy fabrication
We provide engineered solutions for all types of industrial furnaces
Our state-of-the-art technology, coupled with the capability to manufacture preformed shapes and custom prefabrication of furnace components maintains our leadership in industry.